
When was the last time you taught yourself something? When was the last time you went out your way to pick up a trade, learn a new hobby, or invested time in a new skill training? Honestly, I can't even tell you the last time I did. It was when I was placed in front of a computer learning my current job for the military when I noticed I forgot how to teach myself. My classmates and I were placed in front of our personal computer screens and told to learn the material in front of us. In the beginning I thought "okay, this should be a breeze, I'll learn the stuff, test on it and be out of here in no time." A couple lessons later I realized this wasn't as easy as I originally thought. I was so accustomed to an instructor telling me what to do and how to do it that I forgot how to teach myself. 

We're so used to only learning what's necessary and getting by with doing the minimum that venturing out into unknown territory is daring. Is it because you are scared of trying something and failing? Is it because no one is there to hold your hand and answer every possible question you might have? Or is it even that you'll get "bored" too easily/quickly with new things? What is it that is keeping you from expanding your mind to be even more dangerous than you already are? Truthfully, as for me, it's none of the above. My problem is (was) that I'm just flat out lazy. No excuse for it nor any way around it. This may be your issue too. I'm not looking for a raise of hands nor a comment below, only you can look inside yourself and say "hey, get your stuff together". As for me I always feel like I can be more social. Be able to broaden my topics when conversing with other people. I don't want to be the person talking about the new show on tv or what happened in the game last night. I want to be able to hold a conversation outside of that. 

What can I tell someone that they didn't read on Twitter, Instagram, or see on television? It's a process though. And just like everything else, it takes baby steps. I recently downloaded the CNN app to my iPhone. When I have spare time I have the habit of unlocking my phone and checking social media, but as of recently I haven't been doing it so often. I can actually open Instagram and be 2hrs behind on posts (that's progress for me lol) Instead I will check different outlets on CNN to see what is going on around me. Catch myself up with news going on in my country, in my state, even down the street. Through experience I can tell you that when conversing with an elderly person they don't care what's happening on Love & HipHop, Scandal, and Empire. And if you notice those 3 shows that MAY be your favorite shows are targeting one type of audience. Now I'm not saying don't watch them because some of them are award winning shows. I'm saying don't let that be all you can speak about. Expand your mind, your vocabulary, your skills and talents. All that talk is cool in the barbershop and hair/nail salons but what will you talk about to that business man/woman or CEO that chose YOU to spark up conversation with? Don't be left behind. Don't be just another clueless person caught up in the hype. Learn something today that you can teach tomorrow that will make a difference in the world of the people around you. Make it start with you.