
I honestly don't know where to start. My mom asked "why?" and I simply replied "because I liked it". It's much more deeper than that but that's my mom and that's the only answer I could give without getting a lecture or having to answer multiple follow-up questions lol. Setting aside my gender and my sexual preferences I truly and honestly believe that the African [American] female is one of the most BEAUTIFUL things ever created on this Earth. Have you seen an elderly African American woman lately? She is BEAUTIFUL! I'm 24 and my peers are now having children of their own, have you seen an African American female child? They literally look BORN to be a queen. They are all queens! Whether their hair is natural or lengthened with extensions the brown skinned female is simply a site to see. From the crown of their head to the slightly lightened soles of their feet the African American woman is a person to be worshipped. I'm convinced that there are distorted mirrors in the homes of some of them. I often see women of color walking around with their heads down because they feel as if they don't look as "attractive" as the next queen. It's frustrating to know that my compliment won't be enough to change that opinion of them self because society or [social] media has corrupted and sculptured their mind into what the "ideal" female looks like. 

While in AIT (Advanced Individual Training) I was stationed in Fort Lee, VA. One of my battles showed me a documentary/mini series entitled "The Book of Negros". I was glued to the screen the entire time. I don't want to make this post too long by explaining so you'll have to google it on your own. Looking back on scholastic years I realized I was deprived of learning about MY history. Rarely did I see anything in school books about where I am from. Rarely did I learn how my ancestors were brought from thousands of miles away to where I call "home" now. My latest tattoo is to never forget where I come from. Through the generations we basically have to educate each other on what happened before we were born. It's not in books, seldom will you find it in movies so all we have is each other. My tattoo is a "reference" (for lack of better words) that I won't forget where I come from. Nor will I forget the place where EVERY African [American] woman is a queen. Don't be brainwashed by television or by what these models look like in the magazines. Look at your mother. Look at your Grandmother. Look at your sister, your niece, your daughter. THOSE are the Queens we have today. They are just as beautiful as the woman who went through multiple auditions, hours of make-up, and photoshopped bodies! In the past I've wished that the person I dated not wear make-up. I personally felt she was beautiful without it. She was born beautiful. No need for additives. I already accepted her for what God created her to be. I embraced it, I wanted to her to do the same. To see what I saw when I looked into her eyes which made the rest of her physique glow. 

If the lord blesses me with a child of my own I hope to have a daughter. I want to raise her to realize that she comes from a place of queens, not presidents. A place where she is judged by character, not by how large is butt is and how big her breast are. Where she is praised by her qualities and not how easily she opens her legs to intercourse. That's what I want my daughter to know and never forget. I also got the tattoo on my side, over the rib for biblical reasons we should all be familiar with. But in closing, every "Black", "African [American]", "Colored" female is a Queen and should be treated as such. 

Soundtrack: "Black Women and White Men" - Malcolm X